Abstract Syntax Tree definitions and functions for RSQL

npm install --save @rsql/ast
yarn add @rsql/ast
create<Node>(...args): Node
function createSelectorNode(selector): SelectorNode;
function createValueNode(value): ValueNode;
function createComparisonNode(selector, operator, value): ComparisonNode;
function createLogicNode(left, operator, right): LogicNode;
Creates new Node
, can throw InvalidArgumentError
for invalid arguments
is<Node>(candidate): boolean
function isNode(candidate): boolean;
function isSelectorNode(candidate): boolean;
function isValueNode(candidate): boolean;
function isComparisonNode(candidate, operator?): boolean;
function isLogicNode(candidate, operator?): boolean;
function isExpressionNode(candidate): boolean;
Checks if candidate
is an instance of Node
(actually it doesn't use instanceof
operator as Nodes are simple objects - not instances of a class).
Additionally we can pass operator
argument to the isComparisonNode
and isLogicNode
to check if node uses given operator. It automatically maps operators to canonical
versions so for example isComparisonNode(node, '=le=')
is same as isComparisonNode(node, '<=')
getSelector(comparison): string
Returns selector for a given ComparisonNode
Can throw InvalidArgumentError
if passed argument is not a ComparisonNode
getValue(comparison): string | string[]
Returns value for a given ComparisonNode
Can throw InvalidArgumentError
if passed argument is not a ComparisonNode
getSingleValue(comparison): string
Returns single value for a given ComparisonNode
Can throw InvalidArgumentError
if passed argument is not a ComparisonNode
contains array instead of string.
getMultiValue(comparison): string[]
Returns multi value for a given ComparisonNode
Can throw InvalidArgumentError
if passed argument is not a ComparisonNode
contains string instead of array.
const EQ = "==";
const NEQ = "!=";
const LE = "<=";
const GE = ">=";
const LT = "<";
const GT = ">";
const IN = "=in=";
const OUT = "=out=";
const LE_VERBOSE = "=le=";
const GE_VERBOSE = "=ge=";
const LT_VERBOSE = "=lt=";
const GT_VERBOSE = "=gt=";
const CanonicalComparisonOperators = [EQ, NEQ, LE, GE, LT, GT, IN, OUT];
const VerboseComparisonOperators = [LE_VERBOSE, GE_VERBOSE, LT_VERBOSE, GT_VERBOSE];
const ComparisonOperators = [...CanonicalComparisonOperators, ...VerboseComparisonOperators];
function isComparisonOperator(candidate, operator?): boolean;
Defines built-in comparison operators and isComparisonOperator
function which checks if given candidate
is a valid ComparisonOperator
. Additionally you can pass operator
argument which checks if
given candidate equals operator from a semantic perspective - so for example
isComparisonOperator(candidate, LE)
will give you the same result as isComparisonOperator(candidate, LE_VERBOSE)
const AND = ";";
const OR = ",";
const AND_VERBOSE = "and";
const OR_VERBOSE = "or";
const CanonicalLogicOperators = [AND, OR];
const VerboseLogicOperators = [AND_VERBOSE, OR_VERBOSE];
const LogicOperators = [...CanonicalLogicOperators, ...VerboseLogicOperators];
function isLogicOperator(candidate, operator?): boolean;
Defines logic operators and isLogicOperator
function which checks if given candidate
is a valid LogicOperator
. Additionally you can pass operator
argument which checks if
given candidate equals operator from a semantic perspective - so for example
isLogicOperator(candidate, AND)
will give you the same result as isLogicOperator(candidate, AND_VERBOSE)
const ReservedChars = ['"', "'", "(", ")", ";", ",", "=", "!", "~", "<", ">", " ", "\n", "\t", "\r"];
Defines list of chars that are reserved in the RSQL.
Used internally to validate selectors, parse RSQL, and escape values.
It's a base type for all node types. Defines an object which contains type
property which defines
type of the node (instead of basing on the instanceof
Node which represents selector. Defines an object which, besides Node
properties, contains
a selector
property which stores selector.
Node which represents value. Defines an object which, besides Node
properties, contains
a value
property which stores value.
It's a base type for nodes which consists of two operands and one operator.
Defines an object which, besides Node
properties, contains left
and right
property which
stores operands and operator
property which stores an operator.
Node which represents comparison expression. It's a constrained version of the BinaryNode
has to be SelectorNode
, right
has to be a ValueNode
and operator
has to be a
Node which represents logic expression. It's a constrained version of the BinaryNode
and right
has to be an ExpressionNode
and operator
has to be a LogicOperator
It's a type union between ComparisonNode
and LogicNode
It's a string literal type which defines built-in comparison operators.
It's a string literal type which defines built-in logic operators.